Edit Formula


This dialog allows you to combine your imagery bands in arbitrarily complex ways using formula.  You can choose from a range of predefined formula, or type your own in via this dialog.

Dialog Snapshot

formla.gif (34215 bytes)

Views of the Current Formula

The top left hand part of the dialog has a number of tabbed pages representing different views of the current formula. The Specific Page shows the current formula with inputs and other parameters fully resolved. 

The Generic Page shows the current formula without parameter substitution.   You can type in your own formula into this page and then press the Apply button to check and apply your formula to the current layer.

The Description Page allows you to view / edit the description associated with the current formula.  The Comments Page allows you to view / edit arbitrary comments associated with the current formula.

Viewing / Setting Formula Parameters

The bottom left hand part of the dialog has a number of tabbed pages allowing you to view / set the current formula parameters / value mapping.

The Inputs page associates each input parameter with a particular bands from the dataset associated with the current Layer.

The Regions page allows you to map regions from the dataset associated with the current Layer with region parameters from the formula.

The Dataset page associates an arbitrary dataset with a dataset parameter from the formula.  This dataset can be different from the current dataset for a layer.

The Parameters page allows you to define the value of constant parameters included within the formula.

Common Elements

Like most of the other MapImagery Editor dialogs, the dialog has a Preview Window along with a set of controls for easily zooming and panning the preview window to the desired location and resolution.

The dialog also has an Only Active check box that toggles between showing just the active algorithm elements (the default) and all of the algorithm elements.

Formula Browser

The Browse button activates the Formula Browse Dialog shown below.   This dialog allows you to select from a range of pre-defined formula.   These pre-defined formula are categorised into logical groups and also have descriptions and comments associated with them.

formulabrowse.gif (8767 bytes)